Friday, November 27, 2020

Still Dealing with the Pandemic -Who would have thought?!?

The "Safer at Home" quarantine order lasted forever.........and now IT HAS RETURNED once again!  We ended last school year 100% remote learning!  The school year started with remote learning - we piloted a couple grade levels for a couple weeks in October and right before Thanksgiving Break, the superintendent announced that NO STUDENTS will be coming into school until at least January 19th!  He also agreed to allow Teaching Assistants to work from home until that time. 

Currently, stores remain open to 25% occupancy and 50% for grocery stores.  There is no eating in restaurants or bars and gatherings are back to no more than 10 people.  The virus is a lot worse than it was in the Spring - I think we all knew it was coming but it is getting OLD!
Thankfully, there is talk of a vaccine being available soon.  FINGERS CROSSED!

With the end of the school year being remote, the neighborhood arranged a parade for the students who attend the schools that Ryan attended.  People decorated their yards to recognize the graduates.  The first grade teachers came over to my house along with some teachers who no longer teach at Brookdale to watch the parade.  It was great seeing students current and past drive by!   

Then my friend's daughter had a birthday parade too!

Congratulations to Ryan for buying a "new to him" car!
His first "official" car payment!

Unfortunately, Bill health took a turn for the worse in July.  He is currently still ill and we are working with a team of doctors to try to correct his issues.
In July, I had to rush him to the Emergency Room, as he couldn't breathe.  Of course, we were almost certain he had COVID-19.  He was quickly diagnosed with bronchitis and given an inhaler and sent home.  After three days he had gotten worse and went to see our primary care doctor.  He was out of town and saw his partner and was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia.  Weeks past with symptoms not improving and trials of several treatments.  Until he finally agreed to get a Echocardiogram and CT Scan,  Unfortunately, he was (and still) couldn't lay on his back for the procedures.  He was again taken to the ER - where they tried sending him home! The doctor insisted he be admitted for testing - thinking his stay would be two days tops!  He ended up on the pulmonary ICU which is also the COVID floor!
He was diagnosed with a Diaphragm Disorder.  His Phrenic Nerve has neuropathy which makes it extremely hard to breathe.  He was given infusions of IVIG in hopes it would strengthen the nerve.  When entering the hospital his lungs were working at 24% - when we left he was at a 38%.  The treatment takes months to work (if they work).  He is still struggling to breathe and still can't lay on his right side, his back or bend down without loosing his breathe.

Edward Hospital 

Emergency Room prior to being admitted

Pulmonary Unit - his home for 5 days

$50,000.00 infusions x FIVE!

During one of the infusions

Getting his strength back so we could go home!
Walking around the COVID wing was interesting!

We are out of here!

This all took place during my first week back at school after being off for FIVE MONTHS!  The new principal was understanding and I was able to spend time at the hospital with Bill keeping him company.  Thank Goodness for insurance because this bill was close to $300,000.00!

We JUST got notification that we won the appeal for more infusions!  We hope and pray this will help him breathe better.  Last test shows his lungs are at 43% - The doctors were hoping for a better recovery.  We received approval for Xeljanz (6000.00 a month drug), along with a C-Pap machine.  The dilemma we face now is that we are switching insurance carriers January 1st!  I've worked for the school district for 19 years and this is the year they decide to switch carriers!!!!!

Amongst everything we've been facing - we had something (someone) to celebrate!

Meet my niece, Ellie Leah!
Born October 26th!

Of course, I couldn't miss the opportunity to bring my camera when I met her!
Everyone fell in love with this picture and it became the picture on the birth announcement!

Some of my favorite pictures I took!

My Rae Dunn Halloween decorations

Of course, Ellie needed a costume for her first Halloween
even at 5 days old!

Rae Dunn Fall - Thanksgiving Day Decor

Jacob's 21st Birthday Gift!

Here are some of the projects I've been creating lately:

Faux Taffy Apples

Faux Whipped Cream Toppers for my Rae Dunn Mugs

This is the gifts I gave fellow teachers on the first day of school

Two of my friends had birthdays right before mine!

Here's their gifts

My first day back at school after FIVE MONTHS away was on my birthday!
Not a fun way to celebrate!

We finished out the summer taking some pictures at Fabyan Forest Preserve. Due to the pandemic, part of the park was closed (The Japanese Gardens) - but we still managed to get some nice photos for our Christmas Card!

These are my latest faux whipped topping!

I also made this ornament for my nephew

Speaking of ornaments!  These are the ornaments for Ryan this year
since he is an ESSENTIAL WORKER!

and in recognition of his new car

I've been working on a TON of projects for school!

Kindergarten Welcome Posters, Lottery Tickets, Signs, and more
Here's a peek at some of my creations!


and in  recognition of the next two months at home ZOOMING!

Of course, I need to post my latest sketchers (boot) purchases!

Couldn't pass up this deal on these boots from Kohls.  Actually most of the skechers were purchased at Kohls on markdown and additional savings!
Spring Step Kathie B 100.00 for 25.00!!!!

That's the past six months - still quarantining for the most part.  Today is the first Thanksgiving we didn't spend with family - as no one wants to jeopardize spreading or getting the Coronavirus!  
With Bill's condition it could be a real set back if not worse!

The three of us enjoyed a big feast alone.......rearranging the attic above the garage and making wintery faux whipped toppers and catching up on the blog!  

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