Friday, March 30, 2018

Spring Break........Flew by

It's hard to believe today is the last official day of Spring Break. I didn't accomplish everything on my "to do" list - but with only 42 days left of school - I'll save those things for Summer Vacation I guess!

Since my fall post - we celebrated a couple birthdays!  Bill's and Ryan's!  Ryan turned TWENTY-THREE in February!

and my friend, Carolyn had a birthday.  (Love these calendar gift bags I found at Marshall's - I bought one for Ryan and Carolyn's birthday and personalized them with their special date).

In March I bought a new car!  I've wanted a new Impala for a while and one FINALLY became available in the color I wanted! (Pepperdust)

For Valentine's Day, I made these mint tin gifts for little Valentine's gifts at school! 

 Bill recently went to the Orthopedic surgeon for his yearly checkup from his Total Knee Replacement Surgery.  He was released as MMI (Maximum Medical Improvement).  He will need to go for a checkup yearly unless something were to come up.  Since he is still unable to crawl and kneel comfortably he most likely won't be able to do so ever. 

In addition, he is still seeking relief from his recent diagnoses of Rheumatoid Arthritis. They have tried several different medications (dosage and types) - He visits the specialist for labs and monitoring of the medication to see what needs to be changed or tweaked.  We are hoping the latest change will give him some relief without any side effects.  Next appointment will be in May.

 While on Spring Break I was asked to take Communion pictures for my friend's daughter.  We went to four different locations and I think they turned out adorable!

I did some crafting for Easter decorations.  I saw some wooden block bunnies and chicks on Pinterest.  I thought I could recreate them by reusing old fabric bolts. - They turned out soooo cute!

These yarn bunny and chicks are Pinterest inspired.  These little guys gave me a reason to use my new pom-pom maker!

Ryan may be 23 - but I still make him an Easter Basket!

Little Gift Bags (and cards) for my friend, Carolyn's kids.  She is always doing nice things for me, so I wanted to show my appreciation! 

And since Earth Day is right around the corner, I had time to create a little Earth Day treat for school.  I purchased these pens at the beginning of the school year - they are made out of recycled water bottles!  Perfect for Earth Day!  I purchased some "globe chocolate balls" while at the mall and I'm in the middle of trying to figure out a cute way to give those as a treat too! More to follow!

These are my latest Skechers added to my collection:

Hoppy Easter!