Monday, April 27, 2020

STAY AT HOME!!! The Quarantined Days

Since my last update things have really gotten "REAL".  I would have NEVER in a MILLION YEARS believed we would be in a "Stay At Home" order missing the entire last quarter of school!

Prior to the "Stay at Home" order, we celebrated Ryan's Birthday and Valentine's Day in February.  (Hearing on the news of the virus in China causing sickness and death - it seemed so far away and not something we needed to worry about in Ole' Illinois!!!!)

We started hearing "rumors" that we may have to cancel school for "a couple weeks" and use e-learning days as we planned for "snow days".  On March 13th - FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH, we got official word that we would not be returning to school through Spring Break with a projected return date of April 6th.  We packed up student belongings and technology and sent them on their way that Friday afternoon with the thought we would see them again soon........

The date was extended by a couple days -  April 8th and then came the news we would not return through the month of April!  We then went to Remote Learning days due to the time frame and uncertainty of our return to school this year!  Last week it was announced that all Illinois schools would remain closed through the remainder of the school year!

I officially put my name badge in "storage"!  It usually hangs from my rearview mirror so I can slip it around my neck when pulling into the parking lot...and since it will not be needed for at least FIVE MONTHS - when we return Mid-August it was time to put it away!

NOW, we are hearing there may be a second wave of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) in the fall - bringing even more speculation on how the next school year will look!

I am extremely lucky to be still receiving full salary and benefits during this remote learning time!
It's fun to connect with staff and students via Zoom!  Bill and Ryan are in essential jobs and continue to work - making the days seem very long with all my favorite shopping places CLOSED!!!

Right after school closed was St. Patrick's Day - Not much to do but stay at home at look at my 
Rae Dunn St. Patrick's Day decorations!

Then came Easter and my Mother's birthday......Unfortunately, we were unable to get together as a family to celebrate either event.  Glad I was able to purchase all my Easter decorations early!

Ryan's Easter Basket

During my "extra" time at home I decided I wanted to try to make faux whipped topping for my 
Rae Dunn Mugs.  Luckily, the hardware stores are still open and I purchased lightweight drywall and made several toppers.

 It takes several days to dry, but I was happy with the finished product!

Prior to the quarantine, my brother and sister-in-law shared they were expecting their first baby!  
Bill and I were sworn to secrecy and it was revealed to my parents on my mom's birthday! We should know within the next month if it will be a boy or girl! 

We were able to get our deck furniture and yard ready a little earlier this year.
This week we are hoping to get our flowers, as they are opening up garden centers! 
We all need some color and happiness during this time!

I am so grateful I had bought A LOT of extra solar lighting and had a stash in the shed!
Anxiously waiting for the stores to reopen to replace my "extras" and add some more decor to our existing yard decorations!

Prior to the stores being closed (this is a HUGE thing for me - as I hit the stores 
EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!  I need my retail therapy!!!)
I purchased some new boots and a couple pairs of Skechers

I also got a new phone case - I always purchase an Otterbox to insure protection - love this version with the pop socket build right in!

Last week the Illinois Governor extended our "Stay At Home" order until the end of May now.  This seems so unreal.  Stores remain closed (only essential stores remain open).  Even IF or WHEN the order is lifted there will be phases in reopening the state.  I look forward to the day I can walk into a "fun" store and do some serious shopping!!!!!   WITHOUT A FACE COVERING - WHICH BECOMES MANDATORY THIS FRIDAY!!!

I also pray that no one in my family contracts the virus (especially my son who is on the frontline as he works in an essential grocery store.)  We hear how Illinois is "bending the curve", Peaking, etc..... but the number of people getting the virus and the number of people dying is scary!  Many summer activities have already been canceled and the talk of a reoccurrence is depressing and frankly, after being off work for five months - it will be extremely hard returning to work! 

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