Literally, we are just "wrapping up" our Thanksgiving extended weekend. Five days off in a row - I forgot how nice it is not having to go between the two different jobs and never really getting an extended vacation. Tomorrow, back to the "real world"!
I finished up addressing all my Christmas cards and wrapped almost all the gifts I have bought for Christmas. I've actually been wrapping for the past month - to avoid a huge overload! I'm pretty close to finishing up my shopping - I only have a few people left. This year I don't have as many people to buy for; as I will not be buying for the staff at GOGO and my brothers and I will not be exchanging. So the GRAND total of people is 21 plus 23 students. I only have to finish about 5 people - so I'm right on track.
Ryan has made a choice not to join wrestling this year - he has elected to wieght lift/train 4 days a week for the off-season. He's hoping to try out for baseball in the spring. He will be experiencing his first "semester/final exams" in a couple weeks - It's hard to believe his first semester in high school is coming to an end! Time sure flies!
This week is the awards banquet for football and I've been chosen to help with a literacy night at school. Bill is still not working much - we're hanging in there! He is barely working a day or two a week......he's had a few side jobs and has one lined up for the following week - it makes for a long day.
Yesterday we decorated the outside of our house - we will wait on putting up the tree for a couple weeks.
A couple weeks ago my cousin and her family came in from out-of-town and we did a quick photo shoot.
My nephew also had a birthday:

With the holidays right around the corner - I'll be sure to post a little more often......I'm counting down the days until our 2 weeks winter holiday break!!!!!!
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