What a growing experience middle school was for Ryan. Remember that timid immature boy, who for months needed to be led through the front doors of the school by myself, Bill and even the Assisitant Principal? That boy who had tears rolling down his checks as he left the house each morning. That boy who could not walk to school because his legs were too weak from fear. That boy who would vomit every single morning from all the anxiety he was feeling........ And now.......that boy, he was holding back tears because he was sad that he was leaving the school he had grown to love. WE too learned something, Ryan may need to be pushed; but in the end he just may surprise us!

Now he's off to a brand new high school - a school that will only have Freshman and Sophomores. An opportunity to participate in activities that are usually only available to Juniors and Seniors. Leaving the oldest and smallest middle school in the district to the newest and largest school in the district. As I watched Ryan "graduate" on Friday, surprisingly, I was not sad, not scared, but proud and content. Thinking back to when he graduated preschool, kindergarten and then left grammar school, I was very sad and full of uncertianty and fear. (I even got a job at his elementary school to make sure he was well taken care of!!!) So, in the end, middle school was not only a growing experience for Ryan, it was a growing experience for me too! I know, without a doubt, Ryan will do just fine in High School. I am grateful to feel that sense of confidence because it puts my mind at ease!
Speaking of school - - BIG NEWS!!!! I will be working at Brookdale full time beginning August 19th! GOGO will be a part of my past! After trying to get official word of when my position would be elimiated I had finally received a response that as of July 1 the PLAN was not to have any support in the branches. The day I received the email was the EXACT day I had my review with the principal at school. I explained the situation and his exact words were: DO I WANT YOU HERE FULL TIME - ABSOLUTELY. CAN I MAKE IT HAPPEN - WELL, I DON'T KNOW!?!?!?! The district is restructuring the special education program and making deep cuts. Instead of laying off any personnel, they are shifting aides from schools that have too many aides to schools that will need aides. So, for two LONG weeks we waited.....and waited....and waited. On Monday, there was an email that stated the district was retaining all TA's BUT you would not know your assigned school until summer. Of course, I always assume the worst. I'd only be part time and I'd be at some other school. On Tuesday, the principal came down to ask me to come into his office, as he needed to speak with me. His face, along with the head of the student service department had a "serious" and "sad" look on their faces. When I went into his office he said: LISA, I'VE SENT SEVERAL EMAIL'S, MADE MANY PHONE CALLS AND ALL I CAN SAY IS.........YOU ARE COMING BACK TO BROOKDALE FULL TIME!!! Full time means full benefits!!! Actually, better benefits than GOGO and much cheaper. What a relief!
So, now I wait again.........and for those who know me........I don't like to wait!!!! GOGO is now playing a "game". When asking about my separation package and when my final day of employment would be - I was informed that they are now looking into a remote possibilty of a position created for myself! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!! I believe they wish to wait and have me resign, so I am not eligible for the separation package or the stimulus COBRA package. I guess I can play the game for a little while.........as school doesn't start for a couple months........but I was hoping to have some of the summer off. I'm sure everything will work out in the end................
Speaking of summer, Ryan begins his "high school football career" on Monday! GO MUSTANGS! He will have football camp along with strength and speed training 4 days a week all summer long! It's a early morning start, so no sleeping in this summer! It's good preparation for the early morning start for high school!
That's all for now..........................more updates to follow!