Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Break At Last!

Even though I'm still working the afternoons, it is still much more relaxing than having to get Ryan off to school, rush to get everything done before I have to leave, then hearing Mrs. Sadler from 26 kids for the next 3 hours! Actually I miss it a little - but before I know it, we'll all be back in the classroom counting down until our next day off!
The last day of school was jammed pack with fun stuff! We had a reptile assembly where I actually touched a 16 foot albino phython - of course I touched the middle of the body nowhere near the head! The owner of the reptiles asked if I'd be the "official" photographer while many of the kids held the "cold blooded creatures". I did get some amazing photos - my friend, Julie got to hold the alligator that was found in the DuPage Sewer System!

It was also Crazy and Wild Hair Day along with a Pizza Party for Lunch!

Prior to all the fun we were told that our principal will be leaving our school and transferring to another school as vice principal. My part-time status is always "ify" when someone new takes over. So between that and the other place of employment being sold and bought by another company, I see many changes on the horizon! YUCK!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Welcome to our NEW Blog!

After creating many many blogs for the teacher at the school I work at - I decided to change my blog over to Blogger. There are many more options than with Wordpress - and it's more user friendly.

This week is a 4 day school week due to Good Friday. We will be spending Easter at my parent's house which Ryan always looks forward to. After that, is a full week of school and then SPRING BREAK!!!

On Friday, I received the "passion" award at school. It is given to a faculty member that shows passion for the children and collegues. It is nice to be recognized for the award - however, I will need to present this award in a couple weeks onto who I feel has shown passion. I will do so at the faculty meeting in front of the entire staff............although, I know who I will be presenting the award to, I do not look forward to doing so due to the fact I will be in front of so many people.
Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day - The lepruchaun will be visiting Ryan's bedroom this evening and the first grade classroom prior to their arrival. Gold Candy Coins and a Target Gift Card is on the agenda for Ryan and Gold Candy Coins and pencils for the students.

Until the next time -
To the left you can visit some of the sites I've designed for the teachers. (Under Portfolio)