Ryan worked two days this week and is scheduled to work Saturday - right after attending the Multicultural Leadership Academy! Busy Busy Boy!
He was a good sport and let me take a picture of him when he got off of work one night at 10:00pm!
I snapped this photo from the parking lot using my telephoto lens - YES - I did a drive by "shooting"!! Nothing like stalking your own child!
Here's his "official" name tag - I love the "serving you since 2011"!
......and another first--- His first paycheck! It was just for the 3 hour orientation from last week - but that counts! From this day forward he's an official tax payer!
Kudos to Ryan! He seems so proud of his work. I work in the grocery business for quite some time and I;m glad to see fresh faces because they have so much determination when the first start out. I wonder if Ryan has any pet peeves at work? Feel free to stop by www.Mostlygrocery.com to see if Ryan has any stories he might relate to.