
Monday, December 28, 2009


Well, Santa made it through the ice and snow to deliver Ryan's gifts! Here is a before picture:

And here is the after photo! If you look closely you'll see many Transformers. Ryan is still a big Transformer fanatic. (This picture also has some gifts that belong to Bill and myself.) Over all Christmas was a complete success. Keep in mind, these are only the "Santa Gifts"!

We then headed over to my brother's house where Ryan received more gifts! The boys were extremely surprised by their final gift that suddenly appeared out of nowhere! A Wii Gaming system from Grandma.

The weather has been very "wintery" lately. Ryan has been making a small fortune this winter with his "new business" of shoveling!

Along with the snow it's been very icy. Everything has been covered in ice, making it difficult to get out and about. Thankfully we haven't had to travel too far!

Bill continues to be "off" work. This week he is painting my brother's house which gets him out of the house! We keep hoping that things will turn around very soon! Anyone looking for a good painter????

It's hard to believe winter break is 1/2 week from today were back to the old "school routine" again! UGH!


  1. Hello Sadler family,
    This is Trish from Off Camera with Trish. I thought I'd try to reach you this way. Here's my cell phone number. It may work best for you to call me. Then I'll get your gift cards right to you. Congratulations. And thanks for supporting my blog.
    Happy New Year to you all!

  2. Oh good heavens! I didn't leave my number in my last comment. Here it is: 612-239-7295.
    Take good care,
